Good post. Agree with your sentiment, we can regurgitate Buffett quotes all day or we can roll up our sleeves and do some work.

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Glad you liked it!

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For me moat and competitive advantage is almost same thing... one of the questions I ask before investing into the company is “what is the moat? What is the competitive advantage?” And sometimes the answer can as simple as “ founder is the largest shareholder and has shown to be not afraid to fail forward” just as ONE example , there are usually multiple things as advantages and a lot of them are not the exact definition of Twitter’s MOAT and I do agree with you on that sometimes moat is in the making and sometimes it just doesn’t get made...

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I apologize for the broad question. How should a small business owner think about creating a MOAT and, importantly, expanding it day-to-day? What resources do you recommend? Thank you for the thoughtful post.

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Pat Dorsey has written extensively on moats. There is probably not a lot I could add there. I try to look for companies that exhibit potential in one of the moat areas - patents, low cost supplier, brands, etc. often you will find these in relatively limited geographic areas. Like cement companies being a low cost provider within a truckload distance of their facility. Or a regional brand with high recognition in an area or country but not nationally or globally.

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